MYCaW and MYMOP Consultancy

Helen Seers

MYCaW and MYMOP Consultancy

Marie Polley

What we do:

Meaningful Measures is a company that provides innovative person-centred evaluation, audit and research solutions. Our mission is to enable people’s own voices to shape the understanding and improvement of health and wellbeing services around the world.  

Meaningful Measures Ltd operates a licensing process for MYCaW® and MYMOP®. Non-commercial license users will only pay an administration fee for their license. Profit-making organisations will need to pay an additional license fee. Sign up for your licence today.

Additionally, we provide innovative evaluation, audit and research consultancy solutions.  We work in an applied, pragmatic and flexible way.  Click here to find out more about our consultancy service.


MYCaW® (Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing) is an individualised outcome measure used for evaluating holistic and person-centred approaches to supporting people.  It is a short, validated tool that can be routinely incorporated into a consultation to see where a person most wants support, or used in an organisation to improve workplace wellbeing.


MYMOP® (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile) is an individualised problem-specific outcome measure which identifies and measures the outcome(s) that people consider most important from their health consultation.  MYMOP® is a validated patient-reported outcome measurement tool and is helpful in identifying whether certain aspects of their health status change over time.


If you want support to implement our tools into day-to day practice or do a wider piece of research or evaluative work we are happy to work with you.  Together, Dr Seers and Dr Polley have over 40 years of research, evaluation and implementation expertise.  They have worked with the NHS, local authorities, VCSE organisations, practitioners, academia and private organisations.

Please watch our video about MYCaW®:

Latest News

10 January 2025
 In 2021 The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) committed to an ambitious 10-year strategy, with part of this being a community organising programme to engage and empower people to act for nature's recovery - this approach was initially called "Team Wilder"....
16 December 2024
Our latest report using MYCaW® evaluated the service provided by a Personalised Care Team (PCT) dedicated to refugee and asylum seekers in Sussex. It was embedded within a wider Refugee and Asylum Seeker Service hosted by a GP federation, Alliance fo...
18 September 2024
On Friday 13th September the RCCM held its annual conference, this year the event was online. Meaningful Measures was proud to sponsor this event. The conference was attended by over 40 delegates representing researchers and practitioners who work in...
10 January 2025
 In 2021 The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) committed to an ambitious 10-year strategy, with part of this being a community organising programme to engage and empower people to act for nature's recovery - this approach was initially called "Team Wilder"....
16 December 2024
Our latest report using MYCaW® evaluated the service provided by a Personalised Care Team (PCT) dedicated to refugee and asylum seekers in Sussex. It was embedded within a wider Refugee and Asylum Seeker Service hosted by a GP federation, Alliance fo...
18 September 2024
On Friday 13th September the RCCM held its annual conference, this year the event was online. Meaningful Measures was proud to sponsor this event. The conference was attended by over 40 delegates representing researchers and practitioners who work in...
Meaningful Measures