
Lacking confidence in administering outcome measures, analysing data and reporting data appropriately are the three areas that people often report as a barrier to collecting good data about their service or practice.

At Meaningful Measures Ltd, we understand the pressures of working in busy organisations where there is high demand for data but little resource for data collection and analysis.  Our MYMOP® and MYCaW® tools can provide a surprising amount of insight into people’s unmet needs and preferences, as well as how a service or practice is performing.  

We offer three ‘tried and tested’ one-hour online training courses to support best practice when administering our tools, strategically using and reporting data and doing your own detailed analysis.

We are accredited by NHS England and Improvement to provide consultancy and advice on the use of outcome measures in Self Supported Management.  Between us we also have over 40 years' experience using a broad range of outcome measures in many different settings.

Each training course lasts one hour, is online and has space for ten people.  It costs £195+VAT. The first half of the training provides you with key information, the second half is for you and colleagues to ask lots of questions on how the information works in your specific setting - there is no such thing as a silly question in our opinion. The aim of each course is to give you confidence to take the next step in data collection, analysis and reporting.

Read below for a description of each course. If you require some training that isn’t listed below, then we are happy to discuss your needs with you.

To book a course email us at

Introduction to using MYCaW

Introduction to MYCaW®/MYMOP®

What is MYCaW®/MYMOP®, the ethos behind it, guidance on how to use it, and Q&A specific to your project/service.  This course can give people administrating MYCaW®/MYMOP® confidence in how to apply it and improve the fidelity of data collection across a team.

Strategic approach to analysing and reporting MYCaW®/MYMOP® data

This course goes through the different types of analysis you can do with the scores and the qualitative data.  We also take you through how to cross reference the different types of data, how to use the data for audit, evaluation, service development, identification of staff training needs and demonstrating impact to funders.
Training on MYCaW
MYMOP Analysis Training

Training on coding and analysing MYCaW®/MYMOP® data

This session is specifically to train people on how to use content analysis to develop a bespoke framework of concerns for their project, based on good research practice.  If you are interested we can cover basic statistical analysis of scores in excel e.g. how to calculate the mean, standard deviation and do paired t-test to see if the score changes are statistically significant.

Bespoke training packages available from Meaningful Measures Ltd

Helen and Marie have worked with a variety of organisations (NHS and voluntary sector) to provide bespoke training packages on research and evaluation in applied settings. We have provided either one off sessions (e.g. guidance on creative evaluation methods, or outcome measures to use for social prescribing) or larger packages with a series of sessions. Our training is tailored for your organisation's specific needs, but is based on our wealth of experience in research, evaluation and audit work.

Below is an example of a comprehensive package we have delivered for an international client. We delivered these sessions live to professionals all over the world. We also provided support documents and further reading to support the sessions.

Session 1: What constitutes an evidence base Learn how to understand the scientific hierarchy of evidence, types of bias in research, different types of evidence reviews e.g. narrative, systematic, rapid, scoping and know where to look for research papers

Session 2: How to conduct a literature review Know how to: develop question to form basis of the review, search for evidence, use search terms and MESH terms, understand the concept of inclusion and exclusions criteria, organise and review the search returns, carry out data extraction and write up the findings of a literature review.

Session 3: Ethics and governance in the context of audit, research and evaluation Learn how to: be familiar with the concept of Governance, examples of bad practice have changed clinical practice and the law, understand the definition of ethics, know key components of ethics and good ethical practice in research and evaluation and understand the role of ethics committees and review boards.

Session 4: Introduction to Research Topics: Understanding the difference between research designs and research methods. Understand key terminology e.g. attribution, effectiveness, efficacy, randomisation. Understand the difference between qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research and the assumptions that accompany these methods.

Session 5: Introduction to using patient reported outcome measures Areas covered: Understand the relevance and application of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs), different design features of PROMs, know what is involved in the validation process for PROMs, understand key features to look for when considering which PROMs.

Session 6: Basic principles of conducting an audit Be able to define audit and explain how it is different to evaluation or research, understand what an audit cycle is, be able to devise audit criteria and standards, be aware of additional considerations when carrying out an audit.

Session 7: Introduction to clinical service evaluation Learn how to explain how evaluation is different to research and audit, understand the different types of evaluation - formative vs summative, be aware of how to incorporate different research methods into evaluation.

Session 8: Process of writing and submitting a manuscript for peer review publication Understand why data is published in peer reviewed journal; have an understanding of how the peer review process works; how to find the appropriate journals to submit a manuscript to; understand the steps involved in constructing a manuscript and submitting it for review and understand the concept and consequences of plagiarism.

Contact us today for more information and individual pricing - we’d love to hear your training needs.

Client Quotes

We really enjoyed the training and all staff found it informative and helpful. We talked about the comprehensive data set, both qualitative and quantitative that it would provide us with which we felt would be really beneficial for both service design and delivery, as well as for sharing with commissioners and key stakeholders.

The training style was perfect and demystified all of the questions that we had. We also really valued the clear person-centred approach that is taken, where it is clear that the wellbeing of the people we serve is clearly central to this measure!

The session on how to analyse MYCaW® was especially useful. It made us realise how effective it can be to reveal the 'voice' of service users through the data. This information is often lost in free text boxes but MYCaW® allows us to analyse the information in a useful way.
Meaningful Measures