

Meaningful Measures is excited to announce our partnership with YourClinic – a new online platform which allows people to access complementary therapies.  YourClinic has acquired permission from Meaningful Measures to provide MYMOP® on its platform.

What do YourClinic say about the partnership with Meaningful Measures?

At YourClinic we are all about making your life easier; whether you are someone with a health or wellbeing complaint looking to get better or a practitioner wanting to reach and help more people, we’ve got you covered.

Your Clinic is packed full of tools and functions that make it easier for patients to get help and for practitioners to help them. From simple online bookings that patients can manage to the integrated MYMOP® questionnaire, we make managing your health and your patient's health easy.

We're excited for the future of our collaboration with Meaningful Measures and how we can use it to further the complementary and alternative health professions."

For more information or to arrange a call visit the YourClinic website here or email

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Meaningful Measures