Faith & Social Prescribing

On the 13th March, our own Dr Marie Polley attended a Social Prescribing Roundtable at The Kings Fund in London, hosted by Dr Micheal Dixon, A GP and previous NHS England Clinical lead for Social Prescribing and The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullaly, Bishop of London. 

The roundtable brought together a wide range of Faith leaders with leaders in social prescribing. The meeting aimed to discuss how to maximise the input and effectiveness of the Faiths in social prescribing, recognising that the Faiths have a huge role in providing meaning and significance to people's lives, as well as being an important avenue in addressing inequalities. Faith organisations also provide connections for people that can lead to healthier and happier communities.

It was an insightful meeting, listening to everyone's experiences of faith organisations engaging with social prescribing and identifying what support needs to be put in place to enable small faith organisations to engage with the larger Integrated Care Systems and be recognised for the work and social action that they are already undertaking.

We hope this is the first of many instances where Faith leaders and Social Prescribing leaders can come together. 

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