Review of our work in 2022

What a busy year 2022 has been for us at Meaningful Measures Ltd - a massive thank you to everyone who has worked with and supported us.  As the year draws to a close it is great to look back at our achievements, so read on for a whistle stop tour:

News about MYCaW® and MYMOP®

  • We welcomed hundreds of licence users for MYCaW® and MYMOP® around the world.
  • Big thank you to Amperative for designing our new MYCaW® and MYMOP® digital portal which we released in June 2022. We are delighted that our well-loved, industry standard tools are now available to digitally administer to clients and patients. Additionally the score changes are now automatically analysed on a dashboard and raw data can be easily downloaded for analysis. See brochure for more information.
  • Using anonymised data shared back with us, we have a new Personalised Care Coding Framework for MYCaW® - our frameworks enable you to organise and report your individualised data. Please contact us if you'd like a copy.
  • This year we announced our partnership with the Association of Reflexologists (AoR) to support their research programme using MYMOP® on our digital portal for. A big thank you to AoR for supporting testing our portal design in the early phase of development!
  • We also announced our partnership with YourClinic – a new online platform with booking and data collection functionality for acupuncturists which now integrates MYMOP® into its platform.
  • Our tools continue to be translated into other languages throughout the world – and this year we added guidance and protocols for this. Thank you to everyone who has supported this -including colleagues in Germany and Holland. 

Our training:

We have tested out three online training courses throughout the year to support clients to administer MYCaW® and MYMOP® with confidence, and to analyse and strategically report MYCaW® and MYMOP® data. These training courses have proved popular, and we have had great feedback – do reach out if you are interested in our training offer!

Our Consultancy work:

We have had the pleasure of supporting many different clients to collect data and understand the impact of their services. See below for a taste of what we have done.

February 2022 - Phase one report completed implementing MYCaW® to explore the concerns of people living with frailty with Gloucestershire CCG and NHS England and NHS Improvement. Phase 2 is underway to further develop this work into 2023. We are also now in collaboration with Wessex AHSN to do inter-rating coding of the framework – watch this space!

May 2022- we evaluated the impact of a social prescribing link worker training course on food related issues. The course was funded by AIM Foundation, and in collaboration with The College of Medicine. The evaluation found that the courses demonstrated a large increase in confidence in knowledge of food related issues for the link workers taking part.

August 2022 - we released the evaluation report for a Social Prescribing Link Worker Clinical Supervision Pilot. This evaluation showed the benefit of clinical supervision for link workers' wellbeing, stress and intention to stay in their role.

September 2022 -we delivered two new projects for Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies - 1.Evaluation of the BCAT Arts and Health Intervention Training and Supervision - funded by Birmingham City Council - showing the positive impact of this much needed support for staff. 2.Evaluation of the Hip Hop HEALS Training Academy - funded by the Baring Foundation- showing the amazing potential of Hip Hop therapy.

We also supported Natural Academy to create a brochure for their NatureWell courses, based on their latest evidence. 

What's in store for 2023?

We will be attending the IPMC in June 2023 – see you there to tell you more about our digital portal?

We are also excited to be providing evaluations to the following organisations: Battersea PCN, LIME, Somerset Wildlife Trust, The Wildlife Trusts, Menstrual Cycle Support

We are also delighted to be a co-applicant on a successful collaborative NIHR research grant to develop Social prescribing for people with dementia, called SPLENDID.

We want to send a big thank you to all of the people we've worked with in 2022 and sincerely look forward to all of our new work for 2023 and beyond.

Please contact us at Meaningful Measures if you'd like to work with us and our growing team!

Warm wishes for 2023

Helen and Marie


Meaningful Measures Ltd

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Celebrating the success of MYCaW® and MYMOP®
Our new partnership with Menstrual Cycle Support


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Thursday, 23 January 2025
Meaningful Measures