Penny Brohn UK’s Living Well course evaluation

"The work that Marie and Helen did to evaluate the Living Well programme at Penny Brohn UK combined rigour with a sensitivity to the importance of capturing less tangible, but nonetheless individually very impactful, person centred outcomes. It enabled a sophisticated understanding of our services and this represented a major milestone in the development of our organisation, becoming a springboard to help us gain funding for many further future projects."

Dr Catherine Zollman MRCP, MRCGP, Fellowship in Integrative Medicine (University of Arizona), Medical Director, Penny Brohn UK

What we did: A long-term, in-depth service evaluation (12 months follow-up) of Penny Brohn UK's 'Living Well with the Impact of Cancer' courses. The evaluation was designed and implemented by Dr Helen Seers in her position as Head of the Research Department at Penny Brohn UK in collaboration with Dr Marie Polley, who provided academic support for the project. The aim of the evaluation was to measure the impact of the 'Living Well' course using rigorous scientific methods and MYCaW as a central measure.

Outcome: Overall, the service evaluation results showed immediate, short-term, and longer-term statistically significant improvements in health-related quality of life and wellbeing measures. MYCaW demonstrated the full range of unmet needs that clients were experiencing and demonstrated that the Living Well course enabled most participants to regain control over many aspects of their life and to start taking responsibility for their health. The course also provided a significant impact for supporters of people with cancer.

How the organisation benefitted: This collaborative work provided crucial evidence which led directly to a large-scale expansion of the charity by winning a quarter of a million pounds via several funding bids. Without the evidence from the service evaluation, this funding would not have been obtained. The evidence collected also enabled the service provision to be enhanced at key points to increase the sustainability of change made by clients over time. The work also raised the profile of the charity, with at least two peer reviewed journal articles generated and international conference presentations.
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