In 2021 The Wildlife Trusts (TWT) committed to an ambitious 10-year strategy, with part of this being a community organising programme to engage and empower people to act for nature's recovery - this approach was initially called "Team Wilder". Meaningful Measures Ltd was commissioned to evaluate the impact of pilot sites of Team Wilder. The ...
In February 2023, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System introduced teams of "Community Health and Wellbeing Workers" (CHWW) to support underserved communities with the aim of building relationships and identifying people's needs. The initial pilot has now been extended to run for a minimum five years, working in the Kerrier area of Co...
Last week we joined Endometriosis UK and Menstrual Cycle Support at their event to mark Endometriosis Action Month and to launch their digital menstrual health and education platform for teenagers. In 2022 Meaningful Measures Ltd partnered with Menstrual Cycle Support, the world's first non-clinical menstrual health service to be available on refer...
Frailty is described by NHS England as 'a loss of resilience that means people don't bounce back quickly after a physical or mental illness, an accident or other stressful event'(1). It affects approximately 10% of people aged over 65 years and 25% of people over 85 years with these figures expected to double by 2045(2). Gloucestershire Integrated ...
Meaningful Measures has delivered an evaluation of an innovative training course designed to support social prescribing link workers' understanding of food related issues. The training was funded by The AIM Foundation and the courses were delivered by the College of Medicine and the Social Prescribing Network between November 2021 and June 20...
In October 2021 Meaningful Measures was contracted by The Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub, Gloucestershire CCG, NHSE to undertake a rigorous academic evaluation of Social Prescribing Link Workers' experience of Clinical Supervision. Here are the headline findings: In 2021/22 the Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub ran...
The NHS Employers Staff Survey in 2021 showed that 44% of NHS workers reported feeling unwell because of work-related stress ("burnout") in the last 12 months (NHS Employers, 2022). It is clearly acknowledged that the NHS workforce are burnt-out and leaving in high numbers, partly due to impact of the covid pandemic on their mental and physical hea...
Meaningful Measures Ltd recently partnered with KERA Consultancy Ltd and West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership to evaluate personalised care and workforce training that had taken place within West Yorkshire (WY) over the preceding two years. The NHS long term plan committed to the roll out of personalised care, which at its heart requires conv...
Meaningful Measures is pleased to announce that we are working in partnership with Gloucestershire CCG and NHS England and NHS Improvement, exploring the experiences of people living with frailty. This is an exciting partnership as it allows MYCaW to use in a previously unexplored context: frailty. The project, running from September 2020 to July 2...
"The work that Marie and her team did in supporting the evaluation of the Social Prescribing Service was incredibly impactful in terms of critically appraising the service development and the impact on people using it. The evaluation resulted in commitment to the model from the Shropshire Health and Wellbeing Board, as well as from local GPs and su...
"I have worked with Marie and Helen on a number of occasions where I needed specialist skills and experience. They mix professionalism with an engaging, flexible approach, recognising that programmes often evolve, while delivering accurate and user-friendly outputs." Craig Lister, MD of TCV's Green Gym Health and Wellbeing Programme Lead for t...
"The work that Marie and Helen did to evaluate the Living Well programme at Penny Brohn UK combined rigour with a sensitivity to the importance of capturing less tangible, but nonetheless individually very impactful, person centred outcomes. It enabled a sophisticated understanding of our services and this represented a major milestone in the ...