Review of our work in 2022

What a busy year 2022 has been for us at Meaningful Measures Ltd - a massive thank you to everyone who has worked with and supported us.  As the year draws to a close it is great to look back at our achievements, so read on for a whistle stop tour: News about MYCaW® and MYMOP® We welcomed hundreds of licence users for MYCaW® and MYMO...

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  1412 Hits

Our new partnership with Menstrual Cycle Support

Meaningful Measures Ltd are proud to be partnering with Menstrual Cycle Support, the world's first non-clinical menstrual health service to be available on referral through the GP surgery on social prescription. Menstrual Cycle Support have licensed MYCaW® from Meaningful Measures Ltd and will be using the holistic and personalised approach to evid...

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  1400 Hits

Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies: two new projects completed

Meaningful Measures has recently completed two innovative evaluation projects for BCAT – Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies: 1.Evaluation of the BCAT Arts and Health Intervention Training and Supervision (funded by Birmingham City Council). Evaluation Aims: To see if BCAT's Arts and Health Intervention Training and Supervision is delive...

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  1973 Hits

Meaningful Measures digital portal for MYCaW® and MYMOP® now available

In June 2022 we launched our digital versions of MYCaW® and MYMOP® to enable practitioners and researchers to have a dedicated digital approach to administering the questionnaires. We listened to the key features people wanted and have tried to bring it altogether in one platform.  Click here for the brochure for the portal Questions can ...

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  1723 Hits

Social prescribing and physical activity rapid scoping review

In 2021, Dr Marie Polley and Abby Sabey from Meaningful Measures Ltd, collaborated with Prof Chris Dayson and the Centre for Regional Economic and Economic Research, Sheffield Hallam University to produce a rapid scoping review of the role that social prescribing can play in promoting physical activity. The report was part of a larger project ...

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  1289 Hits

Association of Reflexology Partnership

The Association of Reflexologists (AoR) are proud to be the first organisation to partner with Meaningful Measures Ltd and have access to our new digital outcome measures portal for MYMOP® and MYCaW®. AoR has set up Reflexologists Involved in Collecting Evidence project (RICE), which aims to collect data on how reflexology is supporting clients liv...

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  1714 Hits

Social Prescribing Link Worker Clinical Supervision Pilot Evaluation Report

In October 2021 Meaningful Measures was contracted by The Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub, Gloucestershire CCG, NHSE to undertake a rigorous academic evaluation of Social Prescribing Link Workers' experience of Clinical Supervision. Here are the headline findings: In 2021/22 the Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub ran...

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  1642 Hits

Understanding food-related issues for link workers training course evaluation publsihed

Meaningful Measures has delivered an evaluation of an innovative training course designed to support social prescribing link workers' understanding of food related issues.  The training was funded by The AIM Foundation and the courses were delivered by the College of Medicine and the Social Prescribing Network between November 2021 and June 20...

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  1634 Hits

Meaningful Measures re-contracted for phase two iteration to understand the concerns of people living with frailty in Gloucestershire, using MYCaW®

Here at Meaningful Measures, we're delighted to be recommissioned by Gloucestershire CCG and NHS England and NHS Improvement to continue developing a personalised approach to supporting people with frailty using MYCaW®. As part of the pilot project, and despite the pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic, MYCaW® was found to be an acceptable 'in-consult...

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  1441 Hits

MYCaW® used to understand the concerns of people living with frailty in Gloucestershire

At Meaningful Measures we have completed our first project with Gloucestershire CCG and NHS England and NHS Improvement, implementing MYCaW® and using it to explore the concerns of people living with frailty. The MYCaW® concerns data was also analysed according to levels of clinical frailty to understand if people's concerns change as frailty becom...

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  1831 Hits

Thanks for all your support in 2021

This time last year we launched our website licensing MYCaW® and MYMOP® under the name Meaningful Measures.We chose that name as the questionnaires record what concerns a person the most or what symptoms are most bothering a person and what activities they affect – the data therefore means something to that person. This is particularly important in...

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  1658 Hits

Evaluation project completed for The Wildlife Trusts by Meaningful Measures

Meaningful Measures have recently completed a new piece of consultancy for The wildlife Trusts. The Wildlife Trusts' vision is of people close to nature, with land and seas rich in wildlife. Their mission is to bring about living landscapes, living seas and a society where nature matters. Meaningful Measures are delighted to support this national o...

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  1799 Hits

Exciting development - Meaningful Measures are accredited suppliers on the NHS Health Systems Supported Framework for Supported Self-Management Evaluation

We are excited to announce that Meaningful Measures' tools – MYCaW® and MYMOP® have been accredited by the NHS Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF) for Supported Self-Management. In Spring 2021, the Supported Self–Management team at NSHE&I undertook a procurement exercise on behalf of the NHS through the Health Systems Support Framework...

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  4319 Hits

Evaluation published for Soundwell Music Therapy Trust

Dr Helen Seers and Dr Marie Polley are pleased to announce another new evaluation publication - this time for Soundwell Music Therapy Trust.Soundwell is the UK's only music therapy charity for specialist mental health support. The findings from the service evaluation show that Soundwell's groups support improvements in people's mental health. To re...

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  1942 Hits

New Evaluation report: Tandridge District Council Wellbeing Prescription Service

A new evaluation report written by Dr Marie Polley, Dr Helen Seers and Rachel Johnson has been published.  The new report was commissioned by Tandridge District Council has been published exploring the remit and impact of the Wellbeing Prescription Service. This is a social prescribing service that has been running in Tandridge, Surrey si...

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  1921 Hits

Partnership Announcement with Elemental

PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT Meaningful Measures has joined forces with award winning company, Elemental Software to provide greater social prescribing data analysis using MYCaW (Measure Your Concerns and Wellbeing) COMING SOON APRIL 2021 This innovative partnership will seek to provide social prescribing projects with the ability to gather qualitative...

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  1862 Hits

Meaningful Measures’ MYCaW training delivered to Independent Age

Meaningful Measures is delighted to announce that we have recently delivered training on our MYCaW tool to Independent Age. Independent Age is a charity which enables older people to "have the opportunity to live well with dignity, choice & purpose". We were especially excited to work with the Independent Age team as Meaningful Measures also ha...

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  2831 Hits

Meaningful Measures to develop MYCaW qualitative framework of concerns for people living with frailty in Gloucestershire

Meaningful Measures is pleased to announce that we are working in partnership with Gloucestershire CCG and NHS England and NHS Improvement, exploring the experiences of people living with frailty. This is an exciting partnership as it allows MYCaW to use in a previously unexplored context: frailty. The project, running from September 2020 to July 2...

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  2585 Hits

Dr Charlotte Paterson, creator or MYMOP and MYCaW endorses Meaningful Measures to take her work forwards

Since her creation of MYMOP and MYCaW over 15 years ago Dr Paterson has hosted University of Bristol website to represent these tools. On her retirement Dr Paterson has kindly handed the baton over to Dr Polley and Dr Seers at Meaningful Measures to look after MYMOP and MYCaW. Meaningful Measures was created in August 2020 to become the new home of...

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  2363 Hits

Meaningful Measures' handy guide to planning data gathering exercises

Whether you are a commissioner in health or local government, the CEO of a VCFSE organisation, or a practitioner with your own company, it is now commonplace to measure and monitor the impact of your work. Deciding what to measure, however, is a whole different situation. In this blog we give you some questions, hints and tips that we think will he...

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  2570 Hits
Meaningful Measures